Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Reasons why we Love the New York Pilates Ring:

New York Pilates Ring will increase Body Awareness:

If you’ve used the New York Pilates Ring before, you’d have found that more effort is required to execute every movement properly. What the New York Pilates Ring will is to help your body to activate isolated muscles more effectively. In New York Pilates Fitness categories, we regularly use the New York Pilates ring as a prop to bring you to the proper posture or offer you a deeper stretch throughout warm up. See the image below. The flexibility of the New York Pilates Ring facilitates increased body awareness by providing self-feedback to the participant throughout exercises. This helps the participant to self-correct immediately throughout every exercise repetition in order that every repetition is performed properly and effectively.

New York Pilates Ring Challenges Balance and Core Strength:

According to however the New York Pilates ring is used or positioned, putting pressure on the ring provides stability to the body. If a participant feels unstable throughout a particular movement, squeezing the New York Pilates Ring helps one to stabilize her body by reaching to the deep core muscles. Especially helpful to beginners who aren't ready to activate their core muscles, New York Pilates Ring provides tactile feedback to assist one to quickly understand the way to engage the core muscles to try to the exercises. Another favorite use of the New York Pilates Ring in our classes is to put it in between the knees throughout Hip Roll. We also get pleasure from playing around with a mixture of props like toning balls for extra resistance and challenge to the core!

We love the extra challenge that the New York Pilates Ring provides in class that is why you will have noticed that we’ve been using the ring in our classes more frequently.

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